ASk the Mask

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Re: ASk the Mask

Post by Fishtail Picklock »

I do not trust the feminine gender. Their motives have been socially corrupted since the mid-1950s. They are painted "lily-white" while 95-99% of their motives are mercenary in nature.

I prefer animals to women They are honest and their love is unconditional. I like cats and will tolerate dogs. Female humans are not trustworthy and will "stab you in the back" in a heartbeat.

Thank you, no.
Fishtail Picklock
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Re: ASk the Mask

Post by Fishtail Picklock »

whippersnapper wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 9:35 pm There's still some good women out there...but don't cross them or the get real mean....
You are thinking about a NAWALT (Not All Women Are Like That). Sadly, you are automatically illustrating their true motives by telling us "how mean they can get".
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Re: ASk the Mask

Post by Bonzo »

Fishtail Picklock wrote: Mon Jan 31, 2022 4:38 am I do not trust the feminine gender. Their motives have been socially corrupted since the mid-1950s. They are painted "lily-white" while 95-99% of their motives are mercenary in nature.

I prefer animals to women They are honest and their love is unconditional. I like cats and will tolerate dogs. Female humans are not trustworthy and will "stab you in the back" in a heartbeat.

Thank you, no.
Mr. FTP,

For me anyway, there is no alternative to women, other than celibacy, which is fine. I however, am not one of those type of guys. There has to be some give and take in any relationship. It's certainly not all about her or you. Sometimes, you have to take a good hard look at yourself from the inside. If you over fished the pond, you might have thrown the keeper back. Your anti-female rants will insure you remain a bitter man.

Best regards,

"A little rebellion now & then is a good thing"
Thomas Jefferson
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Re: ASk the Mask

Post by Fishtail Picklock »

Let me see...

I have...

1. My freedom/liberty,
2. the ability to make my own decisions,
3. run my own financial affairs,
4. no heirs,
5. the ability to decide where I can/will "vacation".
6. where I will spend my time,
7. no family to which I must commit my time/resources.

I win! 8)

By the way, what is this "downside" of which you speak? :roll: :?:
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Re: ASk the Mask

Post by sammy the blade »

Bonzo wrote: Sun Feb 06, 2022 4:50 pm
Fishtail Picklock wrote: Mon Jan 31, 2022 4:38 am I do not trust the feminine gender. Their motives have been socially corrupted since the mid-1950s. They are painted "lily-white" while 95-99% of their motives are mercenary in nature.

I prefer animals to women They are honest and their love is unconditional. I like cats and will tolerate dogs. Female humans are not trustworthy and will "stab you in the back" in a heartbeat.

Thank you, no.
Mr. FTP,

For me anyway, there is no alternative to women, other than celibacy, which is fine. I however, am not one of those type of guys. There has to be some give and take in any relationship. It's certainly not all about her or you. Sometimes, you have to take a good hard look at yourself from the inside. If you over fished the pond, you might have thrown the keeper back. Your anti-female rants will insure you remain a bitter man.

Best regards,

Sometimes a feller has to take matters in hand. It's also a lot cheaper which leaves more money for knives, beer, or weed. Take your pick.
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Re: ASk the Mask

Post by Fishtail Picklock »

sammy the blade wrote: Sun Feb 06, 2022 6:18 pm
Bonzo wrote: Sun Feb 06, 2022 4:50 pm
Fishtail Picklock wrote: Mon Jan 31, 2022 4:38 am I do not trust the feminine gender. Their motives have been socially corrupted since the mid-1950s. They are painted "lily-white" while 95-99% of their motives are mercenary in nature.

I prefer animals to women They are honest and their love is unconditional. I like cats and will tolerate dogs. Female humans are not trustworthy and will "stab you in the back" in a heartbeat.

Thank you, no.
Mr. FTP,

For me anyway, there is no alternative to women, other than celibacy, which is fine. I however, am not one of those type of guys. There has to be some give and take in any relationship. It's certainly not all about her or you. Sometimes, you have to take a good hard look at yourself from the inside. If you over fished the pond, you might have thrown the keeper back. Your anti-female rants will insure you remain a bitter man.

Best regards,

Sometimes a feller has to take matters in hand. It's also a lot cheaper which leaves more money for knives, beer, or weed. Take your pick.
This is precisely why I don't look to the feminine gender for much. I am self-validating.

It is reasonable for anyone to want their ideas, choices, achievements, or opinions validated by those around them. After all, what is the first thing we do as children when we accomplish something? We look to our parents for recognition (validation) that we did a good thing.

According to Dr. Karen Hall, validation is the "recognition and acceptance" of someone else's experience. Self-validation is the ability to recognize and acknowledge your own internal experience. It is not about agreeing with someone or accepting their thoughts as your own; it is about being able to accept these thoughts and experiences as being valid.

Validation is part of being interdependent and relying on the feedback and encouragement of others around us. Even very independent people still need validation in some aspects of their life; however, they are also able to accept their own self-validation if they do not get it from someone else.

The problem arises when self-validation is not possible or is not valued. In other words, if an individual puts the opinion, approval, or recognition of someone else over their own feelings, they will need that external, other person's validation on an ongoing basis.
Fishtail Picklock
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Re: ASk the Mask

Post by Fishtail Picklock »

The Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) movement has gained momentum in the West since the turn of the millennium for two principal reasons: The first of these and the main driver fueling the movement has been a steady degradation in the quality of life for men promulgated by the incessant demands of nth-wave feminism (whatever number it’s on these days); and second, the enabling technology of the internet has facilitated collaboration as has no other phenomenon in human history, granting men a forum to discover, share and ultimately celebrate the commonality of their escape from a culture that is dedicated to punishing all things masculine.
My own identification with the MGTOW community is coming up on twenty-eight years. Red pill rage that consumed me for the first decade dissipated a long time ago. By studiously avoiding marriage and long-term relationships leading to cohabitation, I’ve immunized myself against most of the excesses — excepting ruinous levels of taxation — of the feminist pandemic. For me, imbalances in law have become so egregious there is simply no plausible scenario — no woman so beautiful, intelligent or desirable — worth the significant downside risks imposed by the current social disorder and its execratory legal landscape. Some have argued that feminism has descended to its nadir, but I don’t see that. Its unholy alliance with the Marxist Regressive Left practically guarantees further decline into ideological extremism and authoritarianism. Even if the low point has been magically reached, the corruption of the West’s institutions by the Left will take decades to unwind — if it can be achieved peacefully at all. I would argue that extracting unearned entitlements from a voting majority to effect any real change is virtually impossible, except in conditions of societal collapse.
Many fellow MGTOW at all levels of their post-traumatic journey of discovery and enlightenment have become effective spokesmen and therapists for newly-minted red pill escapees in the process of reassembling their lives. Although admittedly still a recovering romantic that occasionally falls off the wagon, over these many years I’ve thankfully attained a measure of balance and equanimity, effectively a peace dividend fostering the potential to reveal a pathway to one’s personal actualization. What I and many other men have come to realize is that MGTOW’s ultimate prize is the enhanced freedom that accrues from a life pursuing one’s own interests, husbanding one’s own resources and making decisions for one’s own future. Although there’s no longer any such thing in this era of 24/7 surveillance as true freedom, it’s possible to come much closer to that ideal once the physical and psychological tethers binding one to degenerative societal expectations of male servitude have been severed.
This brings me to the question as to what constitutes self-actualization for MGTOW. Given that I successfully navigated the five stages of grief almost two decades ago, where has my journey taken me? From my perspective, the clearest exposition of this question was put forth several years ago by an Australian MGTOW philosopher named Colttaine (Australia seems to be rife with runaways from the plantation). He looked at the different ways men and women prioritize needs in relation to Abraham Maslow’s pyramidal hierarchy. The first four levels of the Maslow pyramid are categorized as deficiency needs (physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem), and Colttaine makes a convincing case that these needs are manifested differently by men and women. I’ll include a link to his video at the end of this post, but I won’t repeat his entire analysis here, except to amplify his postulates regarding self-actualization.
When women have surmounted deficiency needs and are in self-actualization, they tend to create recursive closed-loop systems to augment the dominance of the sisterhood. Examples include VAWA (Violence Against Women Act), which ignores the gender symmetry of domestic violence; the willful dismissal of male historians, philosophers and intellectuals to foist a concept of patriarchy theory; the disemboweling of legitimate biological science to spin gender construct nonsense; and, founding of organizations such as Emily’s List — prioritizing women’s health care, “equal” pay, paid leave for monthly menstruation discomfort, pro-choice feticide, election of “progressive” politicians, and similar causes. It’s not that remarkable things aren’t achieved, it’s that these achievements only benefit their true agenda of female supremacy.
On both the Left and the Right, blue pill men carry water for this recursive process. White knights and manginas grant special recognition to women by enabling victimization tropes; traditional conservatives similarly elevate women to goddess pedestals because they’re ‘ladies’. These behaviors reinforce societal delusions regarding both the hypoagency of women and the hyperagency of men. If the reader hasn’t encountered these concepts, the simplest way to explain them is in reference to the exploits of 1930s bank robbers Bonnie and Clyde. Although the real-life Bonnie was a violent psychopath, her hypoagency exonerates her from any responsibility for their joint actions. Conversely, Clyde, with hyperagency, bears her blame as well as his own.
When men achieve self-actualization, they are merely said to have agency. What results among exceptional individuals includes scientific discovery (thermodynamics, the calculus, quantum physics, relativity); exploration (land, sea, undersea, air, space); technology (the internal combustion engine, the electrical grid, computers, the internet, smart phones); and countless other achievements that tend to benefit all of humankind. I suspect altruism has little if anything to do with their motivation. There’s simply a joy of creation pursued for its own sense of accomplishment. If success follows, wonderful. Many men may toil for a lifetime, achieving great things, but are only recognized posthumously, if at all. Their sense of satisfaction during their productive years is nevertheless undiminished.
Of course there are women among this exalted community, whether in science, medicine, the arts or in any other endeavor. As the saying goes however, it’s the exception that proves the rule.
It follows that only a few men who transcend deficiency needs to become self actualized will ascend to greatness, but this is beside the point for those that simply wish to be left alone to pursue whatever passions motivate them. They may aspire to become an accomplished fly fisherman, or to rebuild a classic automobile. These are all valid pursuits if they facilitate true agency. At the end of the day, it’s the freedom to pursue these dreams that is truly rewarding. MGTOW merely have to step off the vitality-sucking hamster wheel of societal expectations to experience the exhilaration inherent in a universe of opportunity that has always existed in plain sight.
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Re: ASk the Mask

Post by jerryk25 »

Good read. . . seems true . . .

If I go to an Amish Quilting Bee . . .I would never be accepted.
If I go to a Black Panther meeting . . .I would never become a voting member.
If I go to a Boston Ladies Social Club . . .same thing. . . I'll always be outside looking it.

You don't see me shouting outside the window "Let me In". . . .
(Well. . .maybe some hobby shops and Delicatessens )

There was a Woody Allen movie " Zelig " about a guy who was a human chameleon,
and would change to fit into his immediate social circle.

I believe I can "Go my own way" . . . and still suffer co-existing with women
that struggle to have some form . . Any form . . .of social organization.
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Re: ASk the Mask

Post by Fishtail Picklock »

Neither the sex nor the companionship is worth the cost. The "me too" movement and rabid Socialist/Feminist movement have seen to this. It is both socially and existentially hazardous to enter a marriage and/or other socially/sexually intimate relationship with a woman.

"The juice isn't worth the squeeze".
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Re: ASk the Mask

Post by Tom19176 »

Interesting read. You have based your comments and feelings on what you have experienced. I get that. I was divorced in 1999. I dated many many women before I got married and many more since the divorce. There were more that were bad than good, but the good ones made the dating life worth while.
I have taken long periods of time in which I did not date. I felt some what like you do, but I met someone that made me try again. You're clearly hurt and unfortunately some what bitter about the way things have gone for you. I also agree that the present day world has been constructed to be in favor of the female side in marriages that do not past the test of time. I made my son get a pre nup two years ago when he got married.
I have been very happy being alone, but I am happier when I have a loving partner. I tend to be a giving type of person and having people in my life I can care for and give support too makes me happy.
I have always been extremely successful financially and just having "things" doesn't equate to much. I much prefer happiness and good feelings than the next shinny new knife. Life is what you make it.
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Re: ASk the Mask

Post by Fishtail Picklock »

The "who hurt you" and "you just haven't found the right one" arguments are patently absurd. I have tried no less than five, count them, five times. The concept of an "equitable" marriage is pure fantasy. Women are looking for a man to support them and finance their personal "lifestyle" while expecting them to submit to each and every whim. This is bull*hit. Let them buy their own house and finance their own lives. I don't hate/dislike women. I simply understand their nature and live/act accordingly. I live life for myself, not "white knighting" for some woman for her satisfaction. I won't marry a woman so that I can pay her bills. (This is the "Captain Save-A-Hoe" complex, and I'm not having it).

Remember: If it flies, floats, drives, has a front and back door, or provides sexual gratification, it can be rented. This is a darned sight less expensive (and emotionally/mentally taxing than being imprisoned by a legal contract. You must bear in mind that on a date, you are "renting" your partner's company, aren't you? When you marry, you are essentially taking out a "long-term" rental contract that results in a huge "balloon" payment in the event that a divorce takes place. (There's a good 40%-50% chance of this occurring). Thank you, no.

Think about it.
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Re: ASk the Mask

Post by Bonzo »

Fishtail Picklock wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 5:06 pm The "who hurt you" and "you just haven't found the right one" arguments are patently absurd. I have tried no less than five, count them, five times. The concept of an "equitable" marriage is pure fantasy. Women are looking for a man to support them and finance their personal "lifestyle" while expecting them to submit to each and every whim. This is bull*hit. Let them buy their own house and finance their own lives. I don't hate/dislike women. I simply understand their nature and live/act accordingly. I live life for myself, not "white knighting" for some woman for her satisfaction. I won't marry a woman so that I can pay her bills. (This is the "Captain Save-A-Hoe" complex, and I'm not having it).

Remember: If it flies, floats, drives, has a front and back door, or provides sexual gratification, it can be rented. This is a darned sight less expensive (and emotionally/mentally taxing than being imprisoned by a legal contract. You must bear in mind that on a date, you are "renting" your partner's company, aren't you? When you marry, you are essentially taking out a "long-term" rental contract that results in a huge "balloon" payment in the event that a divorce takes place. (There's a good 40%-50% chance of this occurring). Thank you, no.

Think about it.
Mr. FTP,

Well, good luck with all that! Sounds like you have matters well in hand.

Best regards,

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Re: ASk the Mask

Post by whippersnapper »

Such a fine and sharp dressed man like the fish, should be able to turn the tables and hook some rich broad. Be her "boy toy" and let her support him. I knnow plenty of guys doing it. Don't get mad, get

Why dress in 3 piece suits, drive a Jag and go to other countries for a Ceasar salad if you aren't going to hustle the ladies?
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Re: ASk the Mask

Post by Fishtail Picklock »

Once they sleep with you, they figure they own you. If it is a prostitute, they know it is a simple business transaction. No more, no less. I dress well to impress myself. If I wanted a Toyota, I would buy one. The Jag is just as luxurious, yet less expensive than a BMW or Mercedes it handles/drives well and lasts just as long (or longer). When it comes to raiment, I have a high level of self-esteem. Anyone can dress in jeans and a t-shirt looking as if they just got off the Greyhound Bus from Dogpatch, Arkansas. (Home of Al Capp's "Li'l Abner"). I like looking as if I am richer than I really am. (Contrary to popular belief, people do treat people that dress well with greater respect).

I don't "hustle the women" in other countries (or here) because I value my health. I go to Mexico because I can have a great week paying between $375-$400 for a week in a hotel room and getting a free breakfast every morning. This time my plane fare will be about $250 and my eats/purchases will run about $600 (or less). That is about $1250-$1300 for a week's vacation (including lobster and other fine food).

Try doing that anyplace decent in the USA. (Oh, wait, you can't).
Last edited by Fishtail Picklock on Sun Feb 13, 2022 9:50 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: ASk the Mask

Post by whippersnapper »

I'm just giving you a hard time. Like guys used to be able to do. Give each other shit.

I miss the days when you could do that with friends and not worry about being called a bully.

I know your not going to hustle women.- just being a smart ass.
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