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Really POed

Post by catavenger »

:x my house was broken into and a bunch of my stuff including my computer ( which is why I have been gone a few days ) and a lot of my knives were stolen. Cut off a thieves hands like in the old days.
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Post by Teddy »

Mr. catavenger,

Rotten luck sir....personally I'd shoot 'em..... they'd get shot if you were at home.....

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Post by the spotlight kid »

Sorry to hear that Mr.catavenger.I have been broken into twice and would gladly kick the shit out of the scum if I caught them!A friend of mine came home recently and they had removed everything from his flat and I mean EVERY FREAKIN' THING he owned including his prized Zappa collecton.All they left were the light bulbs.These people are FILTH! They need REAL punishment when caught! :roll: Cheers the spotlight kid. 8)
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I hate rip-offs!

Post by Stone Knife »

Sickening thing is that it was possibly somebody that'd been in your house as a 'friend of a friend' or who'd overheard a conversation about all the cool stuff over there from a friend of a friend, perhaps innocently bragging you up, not realising they were also setting you up.

Unless the places next door were hit, too, the pukes knew what they would find there and came deliberately for it... OR you have had a random burglary, and that's about as likely to happen as a random lightning strike.

What's the really hard part even after you replace the stuff?
What it can do to your attitude. :cry:

This talking thing is a real problem; it's one of the reasons communications cypher clerks have desks that are a long way away from each other and the rooms are kinda noisy. Even pros blab too much sometimes...

I hope you find the little weasels and let the police handle them sos' you don't wind up behind walls while they skate.
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Post by Bonzo »

Mr. Catavenger,

That is sad to hear. I firmly believe a mans home is his castle, and if I caught any scum in my house, or even after the fact, the blood is going to flow. Here's a few suggestions that I hope you will heed, go buy a nice gun safe, even if you don't own any guns, you can keep your valuebles locked away. Mine is bolted to the wall and they would have to really work at it to get it loose, and that takes time. Go buy one of those video surveilance systems. I know a guy who has a cheap system at his summer home here and he can see whats going on from his home in LA, which is about 700 miles away. It can be linked to a computer away from yoour house as well. If your going away on a trip or something like that, put a bear trap under each window and have the chain well secured so the prick cant get away. 12GA trip wires can work really good too, put one on each window. Just a couple things for you to ponder.

Best Regard's,

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Post by blackjack »

catavenger; That really sux, was that your first time :?: If so, the first is always the worst. What really bites is what a crime like that does to decent people.
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Post by jim d, »


Sorry to read of your loss. Just remember it could have been worse; things can be replaced, people can not.

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Post by J-man »

If they run to Canada and claim refugee status, I'll deport them MYSELF back to the States'
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Post by missaman »

mr. avenger,
booby traping your home will get you locked up. then they can sue you too
the safe is a good idea. i've lost 10s of thousands of dollars of const. equipment thru the years :twisted: :twisted: will your insurance co. cover your knives? now i throw 10 grand onto my proposal on jobs in bad areas. bars on the windows and doors wont stop a determined criminal. they come in thru the walls of our construction trailers. one guy came thru a block wall to clean out our office. in the basement of one of the appt. buildings.
houses with dogs rarely get robbed, but i don't know if you like dogs with a name like cat avenger :?:
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Post by J-man »

missaman wrote:mr. avenger,
booby traping your home will get you locked up.
Depends on which state your in.
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Post by HTMLBali »

Well i take it you werent home catavenger.
Although i would take the safe idea and find some ways to keep them out.
Other than that just keep some guns around when you are home.
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Post by missaman »

j-man in the peoples republic i'd get locked up. i'm even supposed to run out of the house if someone breaks in. and let them have what they want.
the only reason i'm allowed to shoot someone is to protect my family or myself. as long as we don't have some means of escape. then it's okay
at least per the class i took 10 years ago at the local shooting range. which is the same class armed security guards take. back then i thought i had a chance to get a right to carry permit. DENIED appealed DENIED
the state is currently being sued by a lawyer who was denied three times,
and by a crippled man who is tired of getting robbed because he can't fight back, or run away
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Post by jim d, »


As you know, I am well aware of what is going on in your state as it is where I grew up and where most of my family resides. The annoying thing to me and I suspect to you as well, is that the majority of counties were/are pro-gun. However, the urban and most populated are anti-gun. Given that they have the numbers when it comes to voters, the entire state suffers. :(

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Post by Vagrant »

Commie bastards!
I hate to say it but when I lived in a slightly more rural area I never locked my doors and never had a problem. I was married at the time and my wife had installed "pick proof" double cylinder dead bolt locks. I picked one in 3 minutes and told her that a crook would do it in .3 seconds with a sledge hammer so afterv that she only locked it if I was away. Before he was on the Supreme Court Judge Souter lived 10 miles from me and "latched" his front door with a bent coat hanger!!!!! So I can't relate but I know how I'd react if I caught anyone in the act. Call the cops and tell them to bring the "speedy dry".
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Post by The Falcon »

A friend of mine has a swimming pool service and supply business located on a busy corner. He's been burglarized a number of times by low-lifes who just cut the chain link fence that surrounds the property. He was going to get a guard dog but his insurance company nixed it - they would rather pay the theft losses than risk the law suits from a crook who might get bitten! :shock:
I collect springblades but I carry my "thumbers."
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