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Wally J. Corpse
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Post by Wally J. Corpse »

Greetings, Legion Of Fan-

I somewhat noticed an alleged new year's ball has fallen..quite the numerological number clature, but not quite at that Zager and Evans song total yet..
Fleeting glimpses of awareness have caused me to reflect back on all or most of the fun eye've had herein at TB, usually Off Topic.
To wit: exchanges of personal adventures episodes, banter about what ifs for laughs, sharing of high times, sharing of despair, all within the auspices of switchblade knife fans..
The switchblade knife, having been ostracized by some movies blackboarding, was cast AS an instrument of evil, some find that to be alluring, others just like to snap out the blade in idle revelry, some also need it AS a one handed tools.
Anyways, I am pleased to almost remember all the fun stuff herein these hallowed halls with mine ol' pals, I have learned how to enjoy my onset of dementia and selective apathy.
Another cranial impact epiphany! It's been too long since eye crafted a WJC Custom Auto knife...
I was thinking about some prototypes/recipients- mayhaps the forum quorum can chime in-
I think it's time for the Doofus Emeritus WJC custom auto, recognizing his years of devotion to his rectal kazoo marching band-- my question is: if I cared enough to actually do it, should the OTF blade be on the rectal side or the exit port..?

AS ever,
Your ol' pal,
Wally J. Corpse
sammy the blade
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Post by sammy the blade »

Either or would be fine, can't wait to see it.
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Wally J. Corpse
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Post by Wally J. Corpse »

Greetings, Mr. sammy the blade-

Auxiliary follow up question- ...Can a fitting tribute to esteamed warp imitation ?

AS ever,
Your ol' pal,
Wally J. Corpse
sammy the blade
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Post by sammy the blade »

Maybe, if you put your mind to it and you would be just the man for the job!
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Post by sammy the blade »

Maybe, and you would the man for said warpage.
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Post by sammy the blade »

Anything is possible.
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Post by Bonzo »

Wally J. Corpse wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 8:20 pm I think it's time for the Doofus Emeritus WJC custom auto, recognizing his years of devotion to his rectal kazoo marching band--
Mr. Corpse,

It's nice to know my misguided misfits on the kazoo's are always backed up by your horn section. Next time however, please avoid the Hormel chili and Bud Lite before taking the stage...
Wallys horn section.jpg
Wallys horn section.jpg (23.41 KiB) Viewed 63 times
Best regards,

"A little rebellion now & then is a good thing"
Thomas Jefferson
sammy the blade
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Post by sammy the blade »

Rectal kazoos, now I know. Had a vision in my head but I didn't think they'd be that long.
2028 candidate for president.
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