Pictures of the Forged Lever Lock

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Re: Pictures of the Forged Lever Lock

Post by hogan »

How's the pop on these things? Nice kick? Is the fit and finish tight? THey look as rugged as a brick shit house, but looks can be deceiving. Please report. Thanks ~MJH
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Re: Pictures of the Forged Lever Lock

Post by swingking »

hogan wrote:How's the pop on these things? Nice kick? Is the fit and finish tight? THey look as rugged as a brick shit house, but looks can be deceiving. Please report. Thanks ~MJH
The knife is a very nice piece, Well made and has a nice feel in the hand, The blade snaps out nice and smooth and is sharp as a razor.
I think everyone who gets on will be very pleased with the work that Vittorio has put into these knives, I am having a hard time making up my mind on which
knife i like the best,This is one you will want to carry for sure.
I only recieved 3 in this shipment, I have the Stan #4 and the Oliver #4 up for grabs on my website, And the Stan #2 up for grabs on a auction site for knives
which i cant name, But it is what blade auction us to be for collectors......Hint...Hint!

I will have all the low numbers but #1 out of the 50 made, Vittorio kept both #1 knives for himself......I also will be getting the special handles when made, Dont know yet when that may be???

If you want these low number knives, you may want to act fast, Cause there are alot of folks waiting for the knives, And i wont get anymore for a few weeks i would say. My website is listed here im pretty sure, On my post some were...
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Re: Pictures of the Forged Lever Lock

Post by Guitars and Blades »

They do look cool, but I'm still waiting for the stag handled ones.

G&B 8) 8) 8)
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Re: Pictures of the Forged Lever Lock

Post by JerrBear »

swingking wrote: Thats a funny thing,,,,,,,,,,Cause i am suppose to be the first to have the leverlocks, The first 15 of both styles, But for some reason i was told only 3 of my knives showed up this shipment, So i wonder how Wayne had knives to send to you??
So I wonder how you jumped in front of me and got the low numbers when I placed my order before you did (Jan. 31st)? After waiting patiently for almost twice months, I think this treatment is mos' shabbyness... DUE BUOI is free to ship their knives however and whenever they please. I am free to spend my hard earned 'weak' U.S. greenback dollars with whomever I please, and it will no longer be with DUE BUOI!

I guess it really doesn't matter because I am not pleased with the knives (#24 & 29) anyway...
Mechanically, they are as swingking describes. Cosmetically, mine are a disaster! The smooth part of the top of the back scales are covered with scratches and tool marks. The depression where the lever rests when closed is dark, rough and also contains tool marks. No attempt was made to finish this area, or even buff it. I am mos' disappointed on many levels...
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Re: Pictures of the Forged Lever Lock

Post by j.a.c. »

Sorry to hear that Mr Bear. With the high praise that the forged stiletto and thorns received I was expecting first class all the way.I tried to buy one about a month ago ,but was told they weren't in the states yet.They did suggest that I could pay through them and it would be shipped from the U.S. once they arrived. Because they could not give me a time frame I decided to wait. I have since spent the money on a small propane forge .
I still would like one ,but I think I'll hold off till I hear from others.
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Re: Pictures of the Forged Lever Lock

Post by Vanagas »

It's been my experience that the first models of mos ANYTHING are inferior to later builds. I'll wait and buy me one in a few months once the demand dies down and the quality has been improved as usually happens with time.

Not making light of your situation Mr JB, it is disgraceful for sure and very bad business. They shoulda never, ever let those crappo knives get out the door. Playing favorites and games with shipping is BS too. Would seem the honorable thing to do would be to limit the first quantities to one per and not pander to wholesalers.
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Re: Pictures of the Forged Lever Lock

Post by Radius »

Really disappointed to hear that Jerr. I know how much you were looking forward to them.
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Re: Pictures of the Forged Lever Lock

Post by switchman1 »

Boy Jerr, that really bites the bag, I know the anticipation of a new knife (or Two) is great and then to be let down is an awful thing. I hope appropriate e-mails went out to the right people telling of your disappointment. ...Jim
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Re: Pictures of the Forged Lever Lock

Post by swingking »


Sorry to hear you dont like the knives....Wayne said you could send them back and wondered why you had not said anything to him about it?
I am more than happy with them, But i know these are a working knife that were built to be used, There not a collecting knife and were never said to be a collectors knife.
The collectors type will be made later with other handle types, Such as mother of pearl and stag, Etc....
Vittorio has been busting his butt to make these for us, And i think that he should get some respect for that, But thats just my thoughts.
I feel very lucky to have been picked to be one of the first to get them, I cant stop playing with mine, The quality is not as bad as you say it is,
And i dont feel that you are doing the right thing by coming and making people think these are just a junk knife.
If there so bad.Then why are you so mad you did not get more??
You say you wont be buying from Due Buoi anymore....Well i think all the folks here should take note of what you are saying!
Cause when the new knives that are being designed come out, We will see if you are a man of your word..... :shock:

These are great knives, By a great man,.... And all the folks here should get one and see for them selves, before coming to any conclusions about them..
Do each one look a bit diffrent....... Yes! But thank god for that!..........Cause i for one dont like the same old crap over and over like some of the italian stuff is getting to be..

Well.......This is all just my thought on the matter, So get one and make up your own minds, I think you will be very happy you did.....
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Re: Pictures of the Forged Lever Lock

Post by leighdog »

I never cared for them at all.They just dont look very good.There are many leverlocks that look a whole lot better than these i think.AB makes some very nice ones.Maybe if they make some changes and make them with different scales i might consider one but not until.
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Re: Pictures of the Forged Lever Lock

Post by Vagrant »

I'll reserve my opion until I get one :idea:
I think were getting some reports that are "my Yugo isn't a nice as my neighbors Rolls" type of comparison :lol:
This knife is obviously a USER not a "Collecter" and should be judged that way :idea:
Is it doing that job well :?:
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Re: Pictures of the Forged Lever Lock

Post by swingking »

I have only had the knives a couple days now, So i have not had time to really put it to the test as far as use, But the knife is nice and tight and blade locks up very nice, No slop in these....As with other auto knives you have to be firm pushing the lever, I did have one miss fire when i first got it, But that was my fault as i tried to push it like a sissy...LOL! We all know what happens when you try to hold a italian like a girl and push the button.........LOL! As for the quality of due Buoi knives, We have to remember that Due Buoi has only been in the automatic making game a VERY short time, But i would say (just my opinion)
That there auto knives are pretty high on the list of new knife design and quality.
So for the time Due Buoi has been in this market, I would say they are doing a Bang up job for all of us who love the auto knives...Atleast they jumped out there and gave us a really nice NEW designed italian knife to own, How long have we been begging the other makers to do that :?:

Have a good one.... :!:
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Re: Pictures of the Forged Lever Lock

Post by natcherly »

Mr. Swingking,

You are in business with Due Buoi, so I understand where you are coming from. You are naturally defensive concerning these new pieces and want to protect your business relationship by diverting criticism while at the same time praising the manufacturer for his efforts. Well and good. Do not, however, lose sight of the fact that you and Due Buoi are in the business of satisfying customers. Jerrbear happens to be one of those, and his observations and concerns should be listened to, not dismissed. I for one do not care what the final use for something is going to be. When I buy it, the damn thing ought to look and function as new which includes being properly finished. This means removing tool marks and delivering a clean looking piece. Switchblade buyers have had to put up with fit, finish and quality control issues for far too long as manufacturers over there assumed we would buy whatever they produced. It would be most distressing were Due Buoi to fall into that mindset. This forum is a great way for them to get immediate feedback from their customer base and make adjustments as necessary.

Final Work: Respect is earned. Developing an idea and busting one's butt to get that idea to market are admirable, but full respect comes by fully realizing the promise of that idea and satisfying the purchasers thereof.
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Re: Pictures of the Forged Lever Lock

Post by JerrBear »

swingking wrote: Wayne said you could send them back and wondered why you had not said anything to him about it?

I considered sending them backness, but I can't take the $30 buck dollar hit (shipping both ways) and end-up with nothing. I can live with the flaws - That doesn't mean I have to like them!

i know these are a working knife that were built to be used, There not a collecting knife and were never said to be a collectors knife.

This is an excuse for shoddy craftsmanship?

The quality is not as bad as you say it is,

Exactly what did I say that was not true and correct? How can you possibly make this determination without ever seeing MY knives?

And i dont feel that you are doing the right thing by coming and making people think these are just a junk knife.

Please to refrain from putting words in my mouth - I never said or implied these knives were "junk!"

If there so bad.Then why are you so mad you did not get more??

What are you talking about? Where did you get the idea I wanted more?

You say you wont be buying from Due Buoi anymore....Well i think all the folks here should take note of what you are saying!
Cause when the new knives that are being designed come out, We will see if you are a man of your word...

You don't even know me or anything about me. What right do you have to question my word?
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Re: Pictures of the Forged Lever Lock

Post by JerrBear »

Vagrant wrote:I think were getting some reports that are "my Yugo isn't a nice as my neighbors Rolls" type of comparison :lol:
Mr. Vagrant,

Rather than making a comparison, I think it's more like, "The doorjambs on my new Yugo aren't painted and there's a big scratch onna hood." :P
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